
March 7, 2025:  30th Anniversary

March 1, 2025:  Retreat/Coaching at Five Oaks Convention Centre

February 8, 2025:  Sweet Sounds of Love Valentine Show

November 2025:  Home for the Holidays - A Christmas Show & Market

Bounce 99.5 Radio Interview with Michelle

Rogers Community TV Interview on Nov 13, 2024

Start at 0:04

Start at

2024 Region 2 Sweet Adelines International Competition and Convention - Caesar's Casino Windsor

2023 Sweet Adelines International Contestants 

SOUNDCLOUD - 2024 Region 2 BorderLakes Competition


YOUTUBE - 2024 Region 2 BorderLakes Competition


2023 Year in Review!

Click on our youtube link:


Have a Listen:

Chartered in March  7, 1995, Grand Harmony Chorus is a group of dynamic women who share a love for singing 4-part a cappella music in the barbershop style. This Waterloo-based chorus has a membership of over 40 women of all ages who come from Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, Woolwich County, and beyond.

How Grand Harmony Chorus Was Formed

A group of women from the K-W four-part harmony chorus wanted something different, so they took the leap and formed a new ensemble. The original people who started this were

Diana Ceccato and the late Judy Ketchen, Peggy Senior, Sharon Beard, Jackie Stewart and Sherry Helmka. The group would practice in Sherry Helmka’s living room. They did not

have a bass, so they would use a four-part recording from Sweet Adelines International. Each of the members took on many executive roles for a while until more women joined the

chorus and they became hooked with the barbershop style of music. There was much discussion on what the name should be for the chorus and the founding members decided it

should be duly noted as Grand Harmony. Grand Harmony Chorus chartered in March 1995. We have over 40 members in our chorus and it has and it continues to be a fabulous

harmonious journey for everyone.

As a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, Grand Harmony Chorus endeavors to promote harmony, friendship, self-esteem, and a sense of belonging among women of all walks of life. The chorus delivers professional performances at a wide variety of venues, singing songs that traverse many styles that are sure to please a diverse audience.

The chorus meets weekly rehearsals.

Contact [email protected] to join us.

We meet on Tuesdays, 7 – 10 PM at Christ Lutheran Church, 445 Anndale Road, Waterloo, On N2K 2E3


Contact us

Grand Harmony Chorus
Region of Waterloo Women's Grand Harmony Chorus Multi-Award Winning Champions
Rehearsal Hall:
Email [email protected]
We are meeting at our new rehearsal location as of Tuesday October 4, 2022
Christ Lutheran Church, 445 Anndale Road, Waterloo, N2K 2E3 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm