admin's blog

Barbershop Bootcamp comes to Waterloo!

August 19, 2014 established the very first Barbershop Bootcamp hosted by Grand Harmony Chorus. It was a great way for our current members to relearn good vocal habits and educate potential members and guests about a cappella music, barbershop history and terms, riser placement, and choreography. We finished the education class, putting it all into practice, by learning and singing a new tag! Half a dozen women pre-registered for the boot camp and over double attended! It was great to share our risers with these enthusiastic women and we hope to see more of them soon.

We welcome all interested women to come to our open rehearsals on Tuesdays nights, 7PM - 10PM at Parkwood Mennonite Home, 726 New Hampshire Street in Waterloo. We love an audience but encourage participation!

GHC Makes Valentines Day Special

On Friday, February 14 Grand Harmony Chorus sent a large quartet out to deliver singing valentines in the KW/Cambridge/Elmira area. They delighted and surprised more than just those who were the recipients of the valentines but those in earshot of the delivery as well. They sang in offices, coffee shops, classrooms, and assemblies and loved delivering each one! You can see one of the performances by clicking here.

Total Woman Show a Great Event for GHC

What a fantastic weekend Grand Harmony Chorus had at the Total Woman Show on February 8 & 9, 2014 at the Bingemans Conference Centre. We had many women stop by our booth for a chance to win a Singing Valentine, get serenaded by some of our quartets, purchase mint smoothies to support our not-for-profit group, or make inquiries about our chorus. The ladies of GHC also surprised The Cocktail Deeva, the host of Ask the Man, by doing a singing flash mob on Saturday afternoon; what a surprise for the host and a very appreciative audience! Grand Harmony Chorus wants to thank Simon and the support team of the Total Woman Show for allowing us to perform on stage as well as around our booth.

Grand Harmony Has A New Web Site

Grand Harmony Chorus is thrilled to announce that it has a brand new web site! As part of the chorus' reinvention, we have brought our presence on the Internet into the 21st century with an overhauled web site and a new domain:

Be sure to come back often for new photos, recent events, and updates on future performances. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube by clicking on the buttons in the Follow Us section at the bottom of each page.

Open House Night a Success

The last week in January was designated Open House Week for choruses throughout the Sweet Adelines organization, and Grand Harmony Chorus was happy to participate in the event. The members had the opportunity to learn a brand new song along with their guests. By the end of an hour-long learning session within the different voice-part section rehearsals, the members came together and sang a full arrangement of the song "Fame!"

Guests joined in with all aspects of the evening, from vocal warmups to learning a tag, in addition to learning the new song. At the end of the evening they were treated to a short performance by the chorus, and finished the evening with some refreshments and socializing with other chorus members.

Grand Harmony Does Have Talent

The Elmhurst Inn in Ingersoll, Ontario was once again home to the Grand Harmony Chorus during their annual winter coaching weekend. For the second consecutive year the ladies were privileged to work with Kerry Denino, co-director of the International medalists Scioto Valley Chorus.

The chorus worked on two songs throughout the weekend in preparation for their Regional contest, to be held in Dearborn Michigan at the end of April. Kerry brought the best out of the ladies, coaching them in vocal production techniques and musical interpretation.

Christmas Cabaret

Grand Harmony Chorus held a very successful Christmas Cabaret this past Sunday afternoon at Elmira's Lions Hall. The chorus was pleased to introduce Chris Arnold, the chorus' new Musical Director, in his debut performance with them. He shared directing duties with Lisa Thompson, the chorus' previous Interim Director and current Assistant Director.

In addition to the chorus, there were also four quartets who performed throughout the show, adding their own unique spin on Christmas classics. With 14 of the 16 quartet members hailing from within the chorus, they demonstrated the depth of talent with the chorus.

See a video from the performance here.

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Contact us

Grand Harmony Chorus
Region of Waterloo Women's Grand Harmony Chorus Multi-Award Winning Champions
Rehearsal Hall:
Email [email protected]
We are meeting at our new rehearsal location as of Tuesday October 4, 2022
Christ Lutheran Church, 445 Anndale Road, Waterloo, N2K 2E3 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm